Oracle 9i For Windows 8 64 Bit

We have oracle related applications and they are working fine in Winxp, Our company is planing to upgrade from winxp to window 8.1 pro 64bit. We have oracle related applications and they are working fine in Winxp, Our company is planing to upgrade from winxp to window 8.1 pro 64bit but the problem we are facing is that Oracle related files are not opening in window 8.1 pro 64bit, they are opening in administrator profile, and also not configure 'net manager' in oracle database services.
Support for Oracle 9.2 ended as of July 31, 2010 and it can only be installed on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 ( or later) and Windows 2003 R2 ( or later) only. - as a workaround, have you tried run the installer by using 'Windows XP Compatibility Mode' and 'As Administrator'? OR - in commandprompt window, running it as Administrator, run the setup using following command setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs: then when Oracle installer check on compatibility, it showed an exception saying that it wasn't certified. Check/click that exception box and continue with the installation.
The installer might continue with no further error after that. - you can also consider to use Oracle and later which is supported on Windows 7 and can be downloaded from the Oracle download site. I would recommend you to download the instant client Basic Package and ODBC/SQL Package (if you use ODBC). Extract both package file to the same directory. As for the ODBC package, you will need to run the installer after extracted the file.
- next setup the following. Assuming that you extract it to c: OracleInstantClient: 1- setting up the path variables: - right-click on My Computer/Computer icon. Prikaz ob utverzhdenii polozheniya o premirovanii rabotnikov.
Bee gees odessa special edition torrent download. Choose 'Properties'. In the windows that pop-up, click the 'Advanced' tab. Next, click the button 'Environment Variables'. On the 'System Variable' click 'Edit' button and add this to PATH: PATH=;c: OracleInstantClie nt; - then add TNS_ADMIN to the system variable: TNS_ADMIN=c: OracleInstant Client Net work ADMIN 2- copy tnsnames.ora from your database server and paste it in c: OracleInstantClient Net work ADMIN - i hope this links helps you to setting up instant client.
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