Latihan Soal Uas Matematika Kelas 2 Sd Semester 1 Algebra

DINAS P DAN K KABUPATEN CILACAP SMP NEGERI 1 MAJENANGJalan bhayangkara No. 40 KP 04, (0280) 621203 Kab.Cilacap 53257 TEST OF SEMESTER I LESSON YEAR 2008/2009 Lesson Class Date TimeA.: Mathematics: VII grade: Saturday, 12th December 2008: 07.30 09.30 Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing (x) A, B, C, or D! Arrange number 8, - 10, - 6, 0, 5 in an ascending order is a. 0, 5, -6, 8, -10 c. 5, -6, 8, -10, 0 b. -10, -6, 0, 5, 8 d. -6, -10, 0, 5, 8 2.
Kelas x matematika semester 1 pdf free ebook kumpulan soal jawaban matematika kelas x semester 1 pdf free un fisika smk 2010 latihan soal dan kunci jawaban kelas.
The value of [(-4) - 3] [10 (-5)] is a. The value of a.
-7400 + 169 625 is c. In a test, there are 30 questions. The score for true answer is + 4, score for false answer is -1 and score for unanswered is 0.
Michael answers 20 questions correctly and 5 questions are unanswered. Total score of Michael is. Anita swims once in every 5 days. Melissa swims once in every 4 days.
After swim together for the first time on 6th February 2008, the date when they swim together for second time is a. 16th February 2008 c. 26th February 2008 th b. 24 February 2008 d. 28th February 2008 6.
The value of a. The decimal form of a. 0,287 is 20 1 3 x 4 is 3 5 c. The scientific notation for 14.700.000 is a. 14,7 x 106 c. 14,7 x 107 7 b. 1,47 x 108 9.
There are 900 students in SMP 1 Majenang,1 5 of them like foot ball, 2 of 3 them like basket ball and the rest like volley ball. The students in which like volley ball are a. 60 students c. 90 students b. 75 students d. 120 students 10.
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The following fraction which can be found between7 1 2 5 b. 241 1 and is 4 3 a. Given algebra form 4x 2 6x + 8y 2. The coefficient of x is a. The simplest form from 4 xy - 15y + 5xy 8 y is a. The like term from form algebra 8ab 2 + 6a 2 b 9ab 2 7 a 2 b 2 is a.
8ab2 and 9ab2 c. 8ab2 and - 9ab2 2 2 b. 8ab and 6a b d.
- 9ab2 and -7a2b2 14. The Great Common Divisor (GCD) of 24a5b and 18a4b3c2 is. 6a4bc2 12 a 5 b 3 b.
12a5bc 6a 4 b 15. The result of (3x + 2) (2x 4) is a. 6 x 2 14 x 8 c. 6 x 2 10 x 8 d. 6 x 2 + 10 x 8 16. Kharenina bought a sack of sugar at the price Rp 400.000.
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In the sack of rice are written gross is 300 kg and nett is 297 kg. The percentage of tare is. Echo Tee Nan saves his money in Bank Empat Mata Rp 15.000.000, with bank interest 10% per year.
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Rp 750.000 c. Rp 1.250.000 b. Rp 1.000.000 d. Rp 1.500.000 20. Given I) 2 x + 2 y = 0 II) 2 x 5 = 7III) IV) x 2 + 2 x 10 = 0 V) 10 = 6 5 y x 2 15 = 0 In the equation above, one variable linear equation is a. I and II c III and IV b. Five multiple a numbers then added by 3 is equal to 6.
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