Enigma Love Sensuality Devotion The Greatest Hits Rar

I have to confirm the problems mentioned from another user. At the end of side 3 the sound is noisy due to debris stuck and unfortunately the last song is unplayable while fading out. The needle stucks just 10' before the end of the song!
It doesn't make sence for me to return the LP, because I don't want to receive another 4 or 5 copies with the same or worse problem, until I receive a good one. So I'll keep it just for my collection, avoiding to play the last song on side 3. Although the mastering reminds me more on CD than on LP, I could be happy with this release and its beautiful cover. But I don't suggest to anyone to give it a try! Only if you just want to collect it.
There is a high possibility for you to get a problematic copy. 'The Landing' is mostly identical to the intro of 'Turn Around (Northern Lights Club Mix)' - 'T.N.T. For The Brain' here is the (Midnight Man Remix) also available on 'LSD (The remix collection)' which is weird. - 'I Love You. I'll Kill You' features re-recorded male background vocals compared to the original album version.
All fucked up now you're in the Army fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •. Grafik dezhurstva storozhej v dou. FSB gash ICQ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • on 2018-Oct-14 13:49:34 digxybkdhgc said.

View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2001 Digipak CD release of Love Sensuality Devotion (The Greatest Hits) on Discogs.
- 'Principles Of Lust' is mainly the (Radio Edit) version but the ending is the one from the original album version. - 'Mea Culpa' & 'Beyond The invisible' are the original album versions. All other songs are presented in their single version when those were released as such.
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